Short Track Speed Skating is predominantly a winter sport, with Clubs running programming from September to March. In communities with natural ice, Club programming is from December to April.

Programs are available for ages three and up. Depending on age, athletes practice between one to three times per week throughout the winter and work on technique, fitness, and having fun. Groups are divided based on age and ability. Speed skating is known to lay a strong skating foundation for other sports, so many families choose speed skating as the means for their children to learn to skate.

Through commitment to speed skating, young athletes develop hard skills, such as motor skills, technique, physical literacy, and fitness, and soft skills, such as work ethic, stress management, nutrition, and confidence. Speed Skating NWT and its coaches work together to make speed skating practices open, supportive environments, where strong friendships are forged.

Speed Skating NWT believes it is very important to support community Clubs and athletes. As such, they support developmental athletes to attend the annual NWT Championships as well as competitions in southern Canada by offering administrative support and Travel Funding.